When a fitness trainer advises you a strength training, it is less enthusiasm than to have a fat burning class. Excellent reason: fat burning and muscle strengthening - two sides of one coin. If you lose, but you build muscle relief, your efforts nobody will appreciate. It seems logical - but go the right way interfere with common myths.
Myth 1:To weight loss you need to do aerobics, water aerobics, callanetics.
Losing weight does not depend on the name of the lesson, and the frequency of the pulse in the classroom. If you have a pulse of 130-160 beats per minute, obtained by endurance training. That it helps to burn fat. When the heart rate rises above 170-175 beats,it is strength training, which allows you to build muscles.
A high pulse rate can be achieved in the pool and step-aerobics. The less frequently you exercise, the more your heart is beating. If you're out of breath aerobics, grab for breath, his head pounding hammers, sweat flowing through the body, and feet stumble - about any burning fat it does not go, because you train (and not the most useful way for the heart). Look for a lesson or go slow on the treadmill, where you can train at your own pace!
Myth 2: The training machines do not help to lose weight.
Myth 2: The training machines do not help to lose weight.
First, the trainers are different. For example, cardio - treadmill, exercise bike, stepper, ellipsoid - give the same load, as well as aerobics.
Second, In order to raise the heart rate to 170 or more beats per minute, you need heavy weights with which you can do no more than 10 (or better - 6-8) reps. Usually start with half your own weight for the shoulders and chest, and with full your own weight - for legs and back.
Such a heavy training session lasts no longer than 40 minutes, and you will be so tired, that won't be able to pick up anything else. A typical fitness club exercise at the gym - a couple of hours with low weights 15-30 reps and short rest between them - this is the usual interval training, which is not muscle pumps, and brings them into tone and - attention! - Excellent burns fat.
Myth # 3: As soon as I start, I strongly growing muscles. I do not want to have overinflated body!
Do not worry, to have overinflated body, you must dealt with very large scales. And what happens to you? While you're sedentary, muscles gradually atrophy. You come to the club, give them a burden, and they have slightly increased in order to execute it. For the first 6-9 months the large muscles (especially the front thigh) may increase in volume by 1-2 cm. If you lose abdominal fat, your hips only becomes denser.
But after this period you will have to sweat very much, if you want to build muscle on! These women generally grow much worse than men, so we employ hormones.
Some ladies are by training twice as hard, and the amount of muscle does not change.
And do not be afraid of muscle growth: in the end, they are supposed to be 30% of body weight in women (men - 40%). Meanwhile, without training after age 30 we lose about 2.5-3.5 pounds of muscle in 10 years. Because of this reduced elasticity of the chest and buttocks, spoiled posture - in short, all the signs of aging is evident. Be glad that you remove these unpleasant changes!
Myth 4: Build muscles at home extremely hard.
It is not true! You can always use your own body weight to build the muscles. If it is legs or buttocks - learn to squat on one leg (first use chair or a wall to help yourself), and if it is the chest, arms, back - wring from the floor (when it may seem easy, put a hand book).
Myth 5. To burn the fat from problem areas, you need to do special exercises for them.
As you know, to burn the fat, we must deal with the pulse of approximately 130-160 beats. You will achieve this by walking on a treadmill or endless swings - it does not matter. Another thing is that the specific strength training to rise heart rate above 170 beats can help to change the proportions of the body. For example, to extend the shoulders and breast augmentation so that the hips will not look absurdly broad.
Myth 6: You should lose weight first and then grow muscle.
It is best to do it once, and then while you lose weight, the muscles do not remain. For example, in one day walk on strength training, in others - for fat burning. Or choose classes, where two types of load are combined: the group sessions with small (up to 30 kg) barbell, dumbbells and other weights - Body Pump, Barbell, Body Sculpt, etc. Help, and functional training, which we were told in detail in the November issue. Just do not forget about proper nutrition, or the quality of training will not be!
Myth 7. Barbells and dumbbells - only for advanced "bullies"!
Free weights - barbells and dumbbells - we need everyone. On the power simulators, muscles work separately: on one leg in front, on the other foot behind, in third - the back ... Why spend much time? Much more useful to use 80% of muscles in one exercise - such as squats, which work all the muscles of the legs, buttocks and back. Notorious advanced body builders may then "finish" the part of the leg, which he is not satisfied, on the power simulator.
Myth 8. After training all body has to hurt.
In professional sports it is, perhaps, acceptable. But if you are doing for their own health, after a workout you should feel only a pleasant tiredness and a slight muscle strain.
Myth 9. From the strength training you can gain weight.
But it is true. Muscles are 30% heavier than fat, so you can become thinner, but heavier than before.
Focus on a tape and your own reflection in the mirror but not on the scale. It happens that in the first week of classes increase the weight and volume.
This is because the muscles have already begun to grow, and fat is not burned. Perhaps you were attracted to the detriment of strength training for endurance work.
To learn more plase click: How To Gain Weight Fast.